In the frame of offering mail services, YAPS is licensed by the Albanian authorities and acts according to all the laws, regulations and codes of the Republic of Albania. Specifically according to the law 46/2015. Please fin attached the “General terms and condition for offering the mail service in accordance with the 46/2015 law requirements.
Below are presented the summary of terms and conditions offered for the mail service::
- The Regulations for the process of acceptance of the service
- The Regulations for the process of transporting and delivering
- The Conditions for the process of mail delivery
- Client’s information
The Regulations for the process of acceptance of the service
- If parts agree, YAPS will realise the process of mail delivery
- The client notices YAPS by telephone/mail/fax for the mail service required
- The notice could be accompained with a list of delivey subjects required presented by the client
- The couriers pick up the mail delivery and send in the main office where is the center of processing the items before delivering to the adresses required
- Yaps do not transport or deliver ilegal objects or item
The Regulations for the process of transporting and delivering
- YAPS transports with its own vehicles the mail delivery
- YAPS can realise the process of mail delivery if the adress of receiver is specificaly and correctly appointed
- YAPS is not responsible if the client refuse to take the item delivered. The refusing can be appointed in writing or in verbal way by the receiver
- YAPS ensures the integrity of the mail delivery process and ensure the information needed for the process such as: Name and Surname of the receiver, signature, date, entity, kind of service etc
- YAPS releases a coppy of the delivery act to the client or receiver.
- The process of mail delivery is monitored and controlled by the Yaps’s staff according to the internal regulation
- Each courier raports with a daily basis for any possible problem or delivery item realised. More specifically:
- The mail delivered
- The mail planned and in process of delivering
- The reasons of non delivering any item
- other
- YAPS take the responsibility to deliver the mail in al the addresses required by the client for entities such as enveloppes, packs or other legal forms
- YAPS is not responsible for the delays or indelivery mail by bad athmospherical conditions or other “force majeur” specified by the law
The Conditions for the process of mail delivery
- YAPS operates in general with juridical entities such as shpk, sha, foundations, state insitutions, embassies, non govermental institutions etc
- YAPS refers to the parts interested all the terms and conditions for mail delivery in accordance with the law requirements 46/2015
- The interested parts could sign a contract for their collaburation in the future if required, or could collaburate in “good faith”
- YAPS fulfills all the terms and conditions of the contract with the client
- YAPS can realise the process of mail delivery if the adress of receiver is specificaly and correctly appointed
- YAPS is not responsible if the client refuse to take the item delivered. The refusing can be appointed in writing or in verbal way by the receiver
- YAPS ensures the integrity of the mail delivery process and ensure the information needed for the process such as: Name and Surname of the receiver, signature, date, entity, kind of service etc
- YAPS working days are from Monday 8.30 am to Friday 17.00 pm and Saturday from 8.30 am to 13.30 pm
- YAPS prepares at the end of each month a analiticl bill where is specified all the mail delivery services, name of the receivers, destinations, fees and sender
- YAPS is responsible for all kind of damagies or delays occurred in the provcess of mail delivery for its fault.
- YAPS collaburates with Albanian Law Authorities (AKEP) to coordinate its work and service according to the law requirements.
Client’s information
Payment of the mail service
- YAPS prepares at the end of each month a fiscal bill accompanied by a analytic bill. YAPS prepares at the end of each month a analytical bill where is specified all the mail delivery services, name of the receivers, destinations, fees and sender
- Date of receiver
- Entity of the mail (envelope, pack etc)
- Destination
- Number of entities or services
- Price
- After the analytical bill is prepared it is prepared also the fiscal bill incliding the VAT (20%)
- Yaps encourages payments with bank. This because its fiscal and financial internal regulations
- For the impossible bank payments it can be accepted other legal payments ways such as credit cards, cash etc
YAPS responsibilities for the damage compensation
- YAPS is responsible for any kind of damage realised in the process of mail delivery by YAPS
- These casses are referred such as:
- Lost, damaging, stealing
- Time delay
- Services performed in uncomplitely way
- All the pack mail delivery should be packed according to the law requirements of 46/2015
- If the damage is occurred by the non correct packing of the mail by the client, YAPS is not responsible for the damage
- If the damage is occurred by force major, YAPS is not responsible for the damage
- If the damage is occurred by sendr negligence, YAPS is not responsible for the damage
YAPS compensation of the damages
- The basic principle is that YAPS pays as compensation for the damage a sum that is equivalent of the damage occured but nor more than the maximal limit that is 2,000 ALL for the lost of enveloppe and 5,000 ALL for the lost of a pack
- Apart the compensation YAPS reverse the cost of mail delivery of the client
- For the delay of the mail delivery YAPS applies the compensation of 500 ALL for each delaying day but not more then 5,000 All in total
Procedures for conflict and clamor solving
- Every client has the right to raise complaints or clamor and requires clarifications to YAPS related to the mail service process i he/she notice incomforibility to the terms and coditions
- YAPS fulfills all the terms and conditions of the contract with the client
- YAPS tents to gice to each complaint a client priority and tries to collaburate with all parts in order to resolve the problem occuder.
- The first way of problem resolving is with the collaburation and conversation with the client
- In the cases when the consensus is difficult YAPS takes the responsibilities for the situation.
- The client has the right to complain within 3 months from the acceptance day of the mail. For a longer period than 3 months the right of accomplaint is not active
- YAPs makes its best to solve the compalint or the problem and give response to the client within 15 worikng days from the raise o the problem
- Anyway for the unfortunate cases when the conflict is not resolved the YAPS expelains to the client that hi/she has the right to call the AKEP’s assistance in order to solve the problem